Onsite Workshop to develop websites with IDN: Conduct a one day workshop to develop/modify websites with IDN domains Gap analysis of Thai websites, outreach and remediation On-site Training and UA Adoption: Conduct a one-day workshop to develop/modify websites with WordPress that support UA and UA Adoption Thailand Local UA day event 7-days long onsite workshop and hackathon to develop UA applications Setting up an Email Server with EAI Support at Thammasat University THNIC attended APAC DNS Forum 2023 at Hong Kong THNIC attended ICANN76 Workshop: Setting up an Email Server with EAI Support at Software Park Organize a hackathon to develop UA-Ready applications Organize 1-day face-to-face event in collaboration with Thai organizations or communities under UA-Day Workshop: Setting up an Email Server with EAI Support at Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok THNIC holds workshop for Thammasat University students on “Setting up an Email Server with EAI Support”) THNIC lecture for Thammasat University students on email server development to support Thai email (EAI) Workshop: Setting up an Email Server with EAI Support at Thammasat University(EAI) THNIC attends ICANN75 Thai Youtubers from the “KhongPangKhongKwan” channel raised awareness on .ไทย (Thai IDN) and UA (Universal Acceptance) THNIC publishes article via TechTalkThai Botnoi Chatbot Marahackathon Develop self-paced online training courses + labs-Phase1 THNIC held a meeting with The National Press Council of Thailand Organize Online Workshop: Universal Acceptance (UA) programming with PHPMailer for Developers The Importance of DNS UA Readiness at APAN53 Outreach at APTLD81 THNIC updated Thailand UA Readiness in ICANN 73 Online Workshop: Setting up an Email Server with EAI Support THNIC Reseller Meeting WebPresso: Create Business Digital Identity UA Github Pull Request Hackathon to make open-source project UA-Ready Universal Acceptance: Domain Names and Email Addresses for a More Linguistically Inclusive and Diverse Internet Online Training: Developed UA-Readiness with Java Programming Language Universal Acceptance: Its Impact and Next Steps Online workshop: Universal Acceptance (UA) for Developers THNIC updated Thailand UA Readiness in ICANN 70 First Online workshop: Setting up an Email Server with EAI Support APAC-EAI-IG mailing list was promoted in ICANN-APTLD UA training Hackathon to setup EAI email servers in THNG Camp #10 EAI vdo clip in THNG Camp Thailand UA LI Promoted IDN ccTLDs among ASEAN Community Thailand UA Local Initiative in TWIGF 2020 Outreach in ICANN69 Certified .ไทย UA-Ready to Thaiware Co., Ltd. Online EAI Hackathon 2020