The THNIC Foundation was invited by the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) to attend the ICANN75 Annual General Meeting. Mr. Anawin Pongsaboripat, assistant director of the THNIC Foundation, attended the meeting on behalf of the foundation and spoke on the topic, “Driving Local Change for UA Adoption Globally”, to present and exchange ideas on driving the UA project in the local languages of each country. Mr. Anawin presented the local language UA project in Thailand, both Thai domain names – .ไทย (.Thai) and Thai email names – @คน.ไทย (@kon.in.th). At the forum were representatives from several countries, including China, Russia, India and Thailand.

Dr. Pensri Arunwatanamongkol, executive director of the THNIC Foundation, also participated as a speaker, discussing “ccNSO and Universal Acceptance”.

The ICANN75 Annual General Meeting was held from 17-22 September 2022 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. More details about ICANN75 can be found at https://75.schedule.icann.org/