Onsite Workshop to develop websites with IDN: Conduct a one day workshop to develop/modify websites with IDN domains

On Jun 18th, The THNIC Academy, a division of the Thai Network Information Center (THNIC), is hosting a workshop led by Anawin Pongsaboripat and Naritcha Nakpraisri. This workshop focuses on…

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On-site Training and UA Adoption: Conduct a one-day workshop to develop/modify websites with WordPress that support UA and UA Adoption

On April 30th, The THNIC Academy, a division of the Thai Network Information Center (THNIC), is hosting a workshop led by Professor Plakorn Prasertsangjan. This workshop, in collaboration with our…

Continue ReadingOn-site Training and UA Adoption: Conduct a one-day workshop to develop/modify websites with WordPress that support UA and UA Adoption